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Connecting is in Demand!


Despite the challenges surrounding us, our best chance is to stay on mission towards connecting and communicating with others. Currently, the risk of feeling isolated, overwhelmed, fearful, and uncertain is high. This could be the greatest moment for coaching and for a coach to step up with a conversation of hope. Sharing and having unconditional support during this ever-changing landscape of social distancing, self-quarantine, and working remotely is key for mental and emotional health. These are times to activate a creative response to things we are not used to, a time for wisdom to serve others, and to believe times will get better as we continue to persevere. I remember a coach I was working with during a trying time say to me, "This is the worst of times and the best of times." What he meant was out of this struggle will come good in its time. In looking back, my coach was right. The need for creative connection is in demand. If you are in need of working with a coach or believe this is the time to be trained as a certified coach, call 503-372-6101, or email us. 

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